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Haflinger Sofie 1999

Tilbage til Haflinger Sofie

Haflinger Sofie billede 1
Haflinger Sofie - The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. Foto: Malthe billede 2
Haflinger Sofie - -There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man! Foto: Mig billede 3
Haflinger Sofie - For dig vil jeg gå gennem ild og vand. Foto: Mathilde billede 4
Haflinger Sofie - Galopmoment :) Foto: Mathilde billede 5
Haflinger Sofie - You makes me smile. Foto: Mig billede 6
Haflinger Sofie - Foto: Mig billede 7
Haflinger Sofie - I denne verden er du måske kun et menneske, men for ét menneske, kan du betyde en verden til forskel.
Foto: MAL billede 8
Haflinger Sofie - Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you will never know, who would love the person you hide

Foto: MAL billede 9
Haflinger Sofie - You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it's no longer a mistake - it's a choice.

Foto: MAL billede 10
Haflinger Sofie - Foto: Mig billede 11
Haflinger Sofie - Dressur Foto: Mathilde billede 12
Haflinger Sofie - The hardest part of moving forward is not looking back.
Foto: MAL billede 13
Haflinger Sofie - Dear whoever is reading this, you're beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you. So smile. Life is too short to be unhappy.
Foto: MAL billede 14
Haflinger Sofie - På tur med prinsessen Foto: Mathilde billede 15
Haflinger Sofie - 
De bedste og smukkeste ting i verden kan hverken ses eller røres, de må opleves med hjertet.
Foto: MAL billede 16
Haflinger Sofie - Min soulmate Foto: Mathilde billede 17
Haflinger Sofie - Sunshine and moonlight is the most beautyful things in life..
Foto: Mathilde billede 18
Haflinger Sofie - If we dont end war, war will end us..
Foto: Mathilde billede 19
Haflinger Sofie - Winners never quit and quitters never win.
 Foto: Mig. billede 20