Jyde Butler *RIP* Jyde Butler *RIP* Jyde Butler *RIP* Jyde Butler *RIP* Jyde Butler *RIP*
*La Dolce Vita*
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*La Dolce Vita*

Kvinde, 36 år, Sønderjylland
Oprettet: 29. mar 2006
Offline - Senest online: 2. sep 2018 Bruger er på filterliste

Danmarks "ægte" national hest er en jyde..! den er skabt til landmænd og andet godfolk, ikke til konger og adelen...

overvejer du at få en jydsk hest, men mangler gode råd, spørg endelig, jeg kan være behjælpelig ved avl, træning, udstilling og meget mere.

Vi har haft jyder siden 2005, og haft heste - altid- jeg fik min første "egen" jyde i 2010, og jeg elsker at arbejde med historien. ! Stald Lavrens, hedder stalden med de mange prægtige dyr...

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a horse,"
or, "that's a lot of money for "just a horse".

They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a horse."

Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a horse."
Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a horse," but I did not once feel slighted.

Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by "just a horse,' and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a horse" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it's "just a horse," then you will probably understand phrases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise."

"Just a horse" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.
"Just a horse" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.
Because of "just a horse" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a horse" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.

"Just a horse" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a horse" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a woman."

So the next time you hear the phrase "just a horse" just smile, because they "just" don't understand.

Heste er IKKE en hobby,men en LIVSSTIL...

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