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Northern Westland Horse (fjordhest) {{forumTopicSubject}}

Her er så man racebeskrivelse om fjordhesten. det er en aflevering på 8.klasses nivau. hvad synes du?

Northern Westland Horse!
Type: Pony.
Origin: Norway.
Extension: Europe, USA and Canada.
Blood: Cold-blooded.
Characteristics: Riding horse, working- and driving horse.
Temperament: Good-natured, hardy and persevering.
Colour: Yellow.
Height: 140-145cm, fluctuation from both sides is acceptable.
Breed description:
Northern Westland Horse is a big, strong and is suitable to riding horse for both children and adults. It has a pretty little head, with a broad brow, big eyes and small ears. The hair is cut is cut in a curve, and therefore it is upright. The neck is short and powerful, the shoulder is steep, and the mane is low. The body is muscular, with a long back, and a round backside. The legs are short, with strong hair around the hoof.
Long time ago the Northern Westland Horse came to Norway. Were they lived uninterrupted of humans, in many hundreds of years. The Northern Westland Horse is one of the few breeds in the world, who hasn’t changed its appearance much, it resembles the horse the Vikings were using.
The Northern Westland Horse is continual spread in the most of Norway, were it continual is a working horse in the mountains. It is also very popular in Denmark. In Denmark we are using it mostly to riding horse and driving horse.
I have seen the Northern Westland horse on Hawaii, so I think that the Northern Westland Horse is spread into the whole world.

You can read more about the Northern Westland Horse in English here: (link fjernet)
and here in Danish: http://www.heste-nettet.dk/heste/22/

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Northern Westland Horse (fjordhest)
