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En ny ting til DSM? "Magic hat". :) {{forumTopicSubject}}

Hej folkens ved i at der måske snart kommer en ny ting til Det Sorte Marked? Den hedder *"Magic hat". Den lader til at være en art af både Det Forheksede græskar og Dommedagsseglet. Ellers, er her hvad der står på INT om hatten og hvad de forskellige pelse gør:

Magic Hat icon on a horse's page
The Magic Hat allows you to personalize the coat of your horse.

There are 4 personalization options that are chosen randomly when you put the item on your horse:

Ugly witch

? Each coat is animated.
? When available in the Black Market, it costs 2 passes.
? If you get this item in your inventory you have 3 months to use it.
? You can give the item to horses from 18 months.
? It can be given to all horses except the Donkeys, Divine, Legendary and Wild horses.
? It gives your horse a +5 bonus in each skill.

What are the effects of each coat?

Enchanter: when a horse wears this coat, you do not use food when you feed it. (All of your horse's food becomes free.)

Ugly Witch: when your Ugly Witch horse participates tin a competition, it brings a penalty of 3 points on each skill to every other horse. It does not work on the Grand Prix.

Fairy: the Fairy horse gets a +5 bonus on each skill.

Shaman: the appearance of a Shaman horse changes every time he gets older. It can get:

? Its own coat
? One of the other Magic hat coats
? One of the Bewitched Pumpkin coats (except the ghost)
? One of the Seal of the Apocalypse coats (except Pestilentia)

The Shaman horse has the advantage of the coat it wears. If it gets its own coat it does not receive a special advantage.

The Magic Hat cannot be used in conjunction with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then a Magic Hat, your horse will lose their Golden Apple.

Jeg ved desværre ikke hvornår vi kan få fat i denne ting, men inde på INT lader det til at den var inde på deres testserver. Så der kommer nok snart en ny trofæ samling. Glæder mig. smiley
(Kan desværre ikke lige få billeder ind, men de forskellige pelse ser ret så fede ud)

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En ny ting til DSM? "Magic hat". :)

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