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Engelsk stil. Vil i læse den igennem? {{forumTopicSubject}}

Ja, som overskriften siger. Det er snart længe siden jeg har skrevet en engelsk stil, så hvis i bare vil læse den igennem. Jeg modtager gerne kritik smiley

It was in the middle of the night. I couldn’t sleep. The wind was blowing outside my window, and a tree kept hitting the window. There was a weird sound outside. A sound like everything was being thrown around. I didn’t dare to go over to the window and look out, so I poked Isabella. She just gave a moan from her and turned around, so I shook her a bit. “Isa, please wake up! I’m scared,” I whispered, but it was loud enough, to make her sit up. “What?” she said still half asleep. “I think, there is someone outside, but I don’t dare to go look out the window”. Isabella went over to the window. She stood there for a little while squinting her eyes. Then she turned around. She had a mixed look in her eyes. One part of her said, “Stop it, let’s just go back to bed!” and the other part of her said, “This is just like one of these movies we love to watch”. By the huge smile on her face, I knew it was time to go play detective. “I can’t see anything, because it is to dark. We need to go get some flashlights. Come on!” We put on our slippers, went downstairs and grabbed the flashlights, and headed for the door.
It was cold outside, so I pulled up the collar on my coat to warm my neck. My pyjamas were a little too big, and I almost stumbled in the pants. The wind still blew powerful. It was very dark, and all you could see was the light cone from our flashlights. There was an awful smell, as we walked around in the patio. The wind was howling like a million wolves. It made me a bit scared. My heart was racing, and I was shaking a bit. Luckily Isabella was there to keep me calm. I couldn’t do is without her.
Everything in the patio was ruined. All the vases were shattered. The garden chairs where displaced, and everything was a mess. Suddenly we herd a vase fall on the ground behind us. Within a split second we turned around and pointed our flashlights on it, but nothing was there. Everything happened so fast now. I was more scared than ever before. There was something just a few meters from us. Maybe it was dangerous, we didn’t know. “Can’t we just go back inside Isa? I’m so scared,” I said with a trembling voice, but Isabella didn’t answer me. She was too caught up in this, and she walked around with a suspicious face. Suddenly Isabella poked my shoulder, and said: “Look! I found what was making all that noise” se whispered, as if she didn’t want to scare it away. I slowly turned around, not sure if I even wanted to see, what it was, but at I looked, I was relieved. Behind a trashcan stood a little dog. It had tousled hair and was shaking. Suddenly I felt guilt when looking into its scared little eyes. As we moved over towards the dog to see, if it had a collar with a nametag on, it ran off through a hole in the fence, where it probably came in earlier. “Poor thing. It was probably just hungry,” I said with compassion. Isabella suggested, that we put out some leftovers from our diner earlier that day.

As the first thing the next morning we ran out to check, if the dog had eaten the food, we put out. All there was left, was a plate licked clean. We did that the next few days, but suddenly the dog stopped coming back. As we went for a morning stroll in the woods one day, we saw something laying on the ground far away. It was the dog.

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Engelsk stil. Vil i læse den igennem?
